Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thank You

This post is dedicated to my husband.

I've mentioned several times before that he is my rock. He's proven that over and over before and during this pregnancy, and especially in the last few weeks. 

He was at my side for every fertility appointment and procedure.

He's been at every ultrasound and at the important doctor appointments-there's a lot so I gave him a pass on the boring ones :-)

I haven't had many insane cravings but on the nights that I've been like, "I need to have this" he's had no complaints.

In the last 2 weeks when my feet blew up and I can no longer reach them, he's helped me get on my socks and shoes and willingly helps me get on the awesome compression socks in the morning before work.

The poor guy has even been sleeping on the couch because my pregnancy induced snoring keeps him awake. :-( I feel really bad about this one. I've tried nose strips and humidifiers but nothing seems to help reduce the snoring and I hate it when he sleeps on the couch. Hopefully the snoring will go away once the baby is here...and yes I am aware that neither of us will be getting any sleep when he is here anyways but at least it won't be me keeping him awake any more.

I can't begin to imagine how women do this on their own or with a non-supportive partner. You feel awful in the beginning, decent in the middle and the end completely sucks. I am so thankful that I have a husband that is so helpful and caring. It really makes a huge difference and makes the experience so much more enjoyable.

So thank you C, for everything. I know we will make a great parenting team. :-)

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