Saturday, January 28, 2017

Hello again, it's been too long

Oh well hello there, it's been awhile. Sorry for that. I know I dropped off the grid and it's because life has been busy and I guess, it felt rather boring for awhile there. I'm not really sure which, but I have been having a hard time tapping into my creative side in the last 8 months or so. My brain just sort of stopped and I hated it. I have been slowly getting back into the swing of things though so I hope to pick this back up and I hope that by next summer I will have some running to log about. Right now I don't have much to talk about running wise because....

That's right! One big reason for not running is this pregnancy. During my first pregnancy I felt good and I ran until about 10 weeks in. After that my back hurt so bad when I ran I had to stop. This pregnancy has been aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawful. Not gonna lie, I can't wait for it to be over. I've had every terrible pregnancy symptom you can think of this time. Horrible nausea that lasted all day. I could barely get off the couch. A gross metallic taste in my mouth all the time that was only cured with Peppermint Patties. Craving food and then wanting to puke after. Gaining weight really fast. Having to take iron supplements because my red blood cells are low but they make me sick. I passed my glucose screening test, but just barely so I have to watch the amount of carbs and sugar I eat just to be's been a real picnic. I can say for SURE that this is it for us. We are done. No more kids. I never want to be pregnant ever again. And not just because this pregnancy has been the pits, but because I think 2 kids is the perfect number for us. We love being parents and our son is amazing, but we know our limits and this is it.

My first bump picture. It wasn't so bad but people told me they could tell.

Then I exploded.

Not going to lie, I'm pretty miserable these days. The only relieve I get is when I lay down and this kid has room to spread out. Otherwise he's trying to spread out and gravity makes this miserable. So I've stayed pretty vertical lately.

Oh yea, and it's another boy.

We were convinced that it was a girl because my pregnancies have been so different, but it was plain and clear on the ultrasound at 22 weeks. I needed a moment, I've always seen myself with a daughter, but I will be a boy mom. I've been calling him Deuce for now since he's the second one and we haven't come up with a name yet. As we get closer to the day I get more excited. I am ready to be done with being pregnant forever, and concentrate on my kids. B has become a lot more fun as he has gotten older. Every stage hase been fun and special but now you can actually have a conversation with him and it's a lot easier to take him places. I'm looking forward to having a baby again but I'm really looking forward to having 2 boys who can play together and we can take places and do things with.

So that's my big update! I hope to be running next summer and eventually be running races again. It took me 3 years to get back to what felt "normal" for me. This past summer I was finally happy in my own skin again and felt really good, and then BAM, I got pregnant. I don't want it to take 3 years to get back to that again, so I'm blogging again to hold myself accountable.

Here we go!

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