Tuesday, June 2, 2015

13 Things I Love

Hello friends!
It's been awhile. Sorry about that. Work got crazy busy and I have been totally wiped out when I get home.
Most of you are probably familiar with the TimeHop app. I discovered it a few months back and have loved seeing what it digs up. Today it brought back some tweets from 4 years ago. Apparently #13thingsilove was trending and I decided to jump on the bandwagon. I have decided to share them here so that they will be easier to revisit in the future.
In 4 years they have only changed a little, so here goes...

13-reading: I love the feeling of a book in my hands, don't think I will ever own a kindle. (This is true, I still don't have one and so far have no desire for one. I do have an iPad but do not read on it.)
12-music: the iPod is the greatest invention ever. Plug it into my car and sing at the top of my lungs every day.
11-traveling: near or far, I love exploring new places and learning about cultures.
10-drawing: I'm getting back to my roots. (This was ceramics. I do love working with clay but finally realized what I have always known, that my greatest strength is illustration)
9-guinea pigs: little balls of fur with big feet that are always happy to see you. Never seen a sweeter face than a guinea pigs.
8-the ocean: the sand, the waves, the shells, the coral reefs, boats...I can't imagine my life without it.
7-scuba diving: been diving since I was 12, can't tell you enough how awesome it is and how it has shaped me to be the person I am today.
6-friends: I cherish them more than they will ever know.
5-art: it's been a huge part of my life and I don't know who I would be if I was not at artist.
4-running: this sport seriously saved my life. I get a little stronger every time I run.
3-the river: I grew up on the river and in a boat. Summer is not complete without that muddy water.
2-Cricket: I lost her once and my heart broke. I look into this sweet terrier eyes and know what unconditional love it. I love that dog to pieces.
1-Cory and Brody: this used to be just Cory's spot, but then Brody came along. So Cory-best friend, sweetheart, loyal, husband, love of my life. You came along at the right moment and I'm a better person for loving you. Brody-I love you more than I ever thought possible. You amaze me every day.

So there you have it! The 13 things I love. What are yours?

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