Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wicked 10K 2011

This past weekend was the Wicked 10K in Virginia Beach. This is my favorite race of the year because I LOVE Halloween and the fall and last year the weather was awesome and the food and beer afterwards is great!

This year...ummm yea...

As seems to be the trend with my races as of late, I was SICK. Again. The weather was gorgeous all week and then on Friday we woke up to frost. And every time the weather flips so suddenly like that, I get sick. I felt it in my throat on Friday afternoon. C and I drove down to Virginia Beach when he got home from work and I just felt worse as the night went on.

I woke up with a head full of snot. Awesome.

The weather was OK during the race. It was actually rather hot if you were running. I got a little overheated. I did pretty good to begin with. I was running about 9:40 miles. Then I had to make a pit stop and I never got my pace back. It was also extremely windy, which was horrible to run in to but there were a couple of times it actually pushed me along. I was really glad I wasn't wearing a costume like some people. There were bits and pieces of different costumes all over the course.

I was very happy to see the finish and the sun even came out for a second! I finished in 1:06. Not my best, but not too bad considering how bad I was feeling.

C missed me crossing the finish line and luckily I ran into Rebecca and used her phone to call him*. This also gave Becca and I a great time for a photo op!

Showing off our medals!
 We tried to head down to the tents after that to get our beer and chili, but then it started to rain...so for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to head back to the car...and we got drenched. Before we got to the car the rain completely stopped. Should have stayed for the chili and beer, oh well, lesson learned.

I still enjoyed the race. The course is fast and flat and I love running next to the ocean. Next year I hope for better weather, because it really is a lot of fun to hang out afterwards.

2 weeks till the half. My legs are giving me mized signals these days, so they are getting a nice long rest after that.

*Note to self, start carrying cell phone in pocket during races.

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