On December 19th, I ran my 47th race. That is a powerful statement. Just 8 years ago on the same exact date, I reached a tipping point in my life and just 3 months later ran my very first race. If you would have told me back then that just 8 short years later I would have so many races under my belt, I wouldn't have believed you. The past 8 years have really been amazing for me, and I have more self confidence than I ever had before. I can thank several things for that, but number 1 on the list is running. It has been a game changer for me.
All that being said, I have been in a bit of a running slump since going back to work. I just cannot seem to find motivation to run at all. I hate it. I thought that signing up for this race would change that, but it didn't. So I went out and ran 5 miles with hardly any training and could barely walk at the end.
Even though there was a cold snap that day, it was actually a really great afternoon for a run. Once we got moving the air felt nice and running on the boardwalk was really enjoyable. I liked seeing all the lights. If you are not into running, you can always go down to Virginia Beach and drive through the lights too. It is a pretty neat set up, and who doesn't love the beach?
Shrub and Bryan ran it too!

I taped up both of my legs, but by the time I drove 2 hours to get there, it didn't seem to matter. My muscles were stiff and even though I jogged a little around the parking lot, they would not loosen up. It was really painful. The first mile felt alright but after that things started to hurt and I ended up walking and near the end could feel myself starting to limp. Not to mention that my old hip injury came back. Ugh! There were a few moments near the end where I could feel the tears in my eyes and hear the nasty voice in my head telling me this was it, the end of my running days had finally come. But I pushed it deep down inside of me and made it across the finish line. My quads felt like tight rubber bands that snapped as I walked. After a beer and a little standing around I started to feel better.
Free beer! Yay we finished!
Jess came out to support us too!
Obligatory beer chugging picture.
All in all, it was a great night for a race and I would definitely do it again. About 2 months ago I had the idea in my head that I would run another half marathon this spring. I think after this race my short term goal is going to be just to make it through Monument Avenue 10K in one piece. And to somehow dig up some motivation from somewhere.
What keep you motivated?
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