Monday, November 11, 2013

Wicked 10K 2013

Happy Fall! My favorite time of year to run :-)

The other weekend was the Wicked 10K in Virginia Beach. After 2 very hectic weeks I was totally not ready for this race and I made a lot of rookie mistakes.

1. I haven't run in 2 weeks. This used to not be that big of a deal for me, but I now realize that I am starting from scratch. I cannot run as far or as fast as I used to and I am certainly not 10K ready at the drop of a hat. Back in 2008 I injured my hip flexor when I fell on some stairs. It hasn't bothered me in years but at the end of the race I couldn't put any weight on my right leg for awhile. This didn't do well with my left knee which was hurting and has been giving me trouble as well.

2. No stretching or warm up. We had B with us so we left the hotel a little late and the convention center parking lots were full....C eventually had to drop me off with 10 minutes till the start of the race. I jogged over to the corral and stretched a little but not enough.

3. I forgot to cut my toe nails.

4. I ate too much breakfast. We stayed at Hampton Inn so at least it was included in our stay.

This race a good lesson for me. I learned that I really need to make time to run during the week even if it is one mile, and get that long run in on the weekends. It is going to take some serious work to get me back to where I was and ready for a marathon next fall.

Aside from my mistakes, it was a good race. Virginia Beach was doing something with the sand so they couldn't have the post party on the beach this year. So the powers that be changed the race course and the finish was at the convention center instead of the boardwalk. I actually really liked the course this year. In the past you went south first and then north, and this year they switched it so you went north first. It was nice for it to be a little different.

The first year I ran this race the weather was gorgeous. The past two years it has been awful with downpours at the end and then super storm Sandy last year. This year it was gorgeous again. It was cold when it started but bright and sunny and beautiful when I finished. We didn't go in the post race party but we hung out outside while I stretched and recovered.

Half of my race support team!

The other half. He didn't last very long but he did really good!

We got great swag this year too! I love my travel mug since I am now a coffee drinker and actually use these every single morning.

We had a great little overnight trip and got the experience of having a baby in a hotel room. It actually wasn't too bad. He slept all night but I was super tired. Running perked me up for a bit but then I slept hard on the way home. 

Next up: HCA 8K. Also need to post the 6 month check up.

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