Did you notice in my mile counter that I have officially hit 500 miles?! How exciting!
I actually hit it on May 31st but am just now getting around to blogging about it. That run that day was awful too. It was so humid and since I had not been running I felt like a slug and also felt like I was going to pass out when I got home.
On a side note, I just have to throw out there that I have run a lot more than 500 miles since I began running back in 2008. I only started keeping track of them with the dailymile.com tracker about 3 years ago (most of which was taken up with a pregnancy and a newborn).
These last 2 months have been really tough. Work has been crazy (like it always is at the end of the school year) and I just have not felt like myself and therefore have not been running. This week I have a little more pep in my step and have stepped it up on my Fitbit and also gotten more sleep at night. I feel better. I have also started eating better, which affects how I feel when I eat junk. The junk is extra hard to avoid these days because the end of the school year is a time when parents shower us with sugary treats. The faculty lounge is a deadly place. My solution has been to keep this awesome nut mix behind my desk and I snack on that when I feel a craving coming on.
I have also really gotten into salads. This one I had the other night and it was so good! (I know ranch isn't really the best but it is the only dressing I really like.) Next week I plan on coming up with new salad recipes and ideas for the summer.
Last month I decided to keep better track of my running this summer. I still have my running journal but this calendar I came up with stays on the fridge and therefore in my face letting me know when I am slacking. You can see that May was not a great month...but I am determined to make June better!

And I started today by actually going for a run! My energy level has been better and since today was not too humid, I decided it was time to go. SO glad that we did! Not only was it fun and felt good, I got this cute picture too :-)

Only 2 more days until summer freedom! I can-not-wait.
One step at at at time! Isn't it amazing how what you fuel your body with makes you feel?!?! It boggles my mind when I choose chunk when I know I will feel like crap afterward! Yay for summer vaca! I will be jealously thinking about you for the next few months! <3
ReplyDeleteDon't be too jealous! It's not much of a vacation with a 2 year old! Although it is better than having to get up and go to work all day ;-)