So I've been out for summer for a little over a week now. It has been good to be off but it has also been hard. Having a 2 year old is hard. Don't get me wrong, he is amazing and so much fun, but he's getting into throwing temper tantrums more than what I am used to. Some days it seems like they are about every 10 minutes. And for heaven sakes don't let him miss nap time! I feel like Gollum from Lord of the Rings when it comes to nap time, "my precious"...
All that aside I have been stepping up the running, even if it has been slow! We went in the morning before it got too hot and I can get 2 miles in fairly easy again and that is with the jogging stroller. Tomorrow morning I plan to get my butt up early and get a run in before the hubs leaves for work and before it gets ridiculously hot outside. We are definitely hiding inside tomorrow.
Speaking of the hubby, I hope everyone had a happy Father's Day! Here is our lovely photo from yesterday when we attempted to go out to eat....
Today was not much better as our child has decided to start shouting out a few *choice* words lately because he thinks it is funny. I do not find it amusing. All I can say is clean up your language before you have kids and don't watch any adult television when they are around because it will come back to haunt you. They are like little sponges...
But then he looks like this and I melt all over again...
Little stinker.
Oh, did anyone else get freaked out in these storms we have had the last few days?? It was seriously scary down at the river. I was alone for awhile with just B and after I put him to bed I just sat by the window and watched the lightning praying there would be no tornadoes where we were. At one point I even thought I about getting B out of bed and hiding in the closet downstairs just in case. It is really creepy at the river when there is bad weather. I even got a picture of the lightning when it struck across the way. I'm glad that no one was hurt in these storms from the weekend.
Well nap time is about over so I better head out. Happy running friends!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
500 Miles!
Did you notice in my mile counter that I have officially hit 500 miles?! How exciting!
I actually hit it on May 31st but am just now getting around to blogging about it. That run that day was awful too. It was so humid and since I had not been running I felt like a slug and also felt like I was going to pass out when I got home.
On a side note, I just have to throw out there that I have run a lot more than 500 miles since I began running back in 2008. I only started keeping track of them with the tracker about 3 years ago (most of which was taken up with a pregnancy and a newborn).
These last 2 months have been really tough. Work has been crazy (like it always is at the end of the school year) and I just have not felt like myself and therefore have not been running. This week I have a little more pep in my step and have stepped it up on my Fitbit and also gotten more sleep at night. I feel better. I have also started eating better, which affects how I feel when I eat junk. The junk is extra hard to avoid these days because the end of the school year is a time when parents shower us with sugary treats. The faculty lounge is a deadly place. My solution has been to keep this awesome nut mix behind my desk and I snack on that when I feel a craving coming on.
I have also really gotten into salads. This one I had the other night and it was so good! (I know ranch isn't really the best but it is the only dressing I really like.) Next week I plan on coming up with new salad recipes and ideas for the summer.
Last month I decided to keep better track of my running this summer. I still have my running journal but this calendar I came up with stays on the fridge and therefore in my face letting me know when I am slacking. You can see that May was not a great month...but I am determined to make June better!

And I started today by actually going for a run! My energy level has been better and since today was not too humid, I decided it was time to go. SO glad that we did! Not only was it fun and felt good, I got this cute picture too :-)

Only 2 more days until summer freedom! I can-not-wait.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
13 Things I Love
Hello friends!
It's been awhile. Sorry about that. Work got crazy busy and I have been totally wiped out when I get home.
Most of you are probably familiar with the TimeHop app. I discovered it a few months back and have loved seeing what it digs up. Today it brought back some tweets from 4 years ago. Apparently #13thingsilove was trending and I decided to jump on the bandwagon. I have decided to share them here so that they will be easier to revisit in the future.
In 4 years they have only changed a little, so here goes...
13-reading: I love the feeling of a book in my hands, don't think I will ever own a kindle. (This is true, I still don't have one and so far have no desire for one. I do have an iPad but do not read on it.)
12-music: the iPod is the greatest invention ever. Plug it into my car and sing at the top of my lungs every day.
11-traveling: near or far, I love exploring new places and learning about cultures.
10-drawing: I'm getting back to my roots. (This was ceramics. I do love working with clay but finally realized what I have always known, that my greatest strength is illustration)
9-guinea pigs: little balls of fur with big feet that are always happy to see you. Never seen a sweeter face than a guinea pigs.
8-the ocean: the sand, the waves, the shells, the coral reefs, boats...I can't imagine my life without it.
7-scuba diving: been diving since I was 12, can't tell you enough how awesome it is and how it has shaped me to be the person I am today.
6-friends: I cherish them more than they will ever know.
5-art: it's been a huge part of my life and I don't know who I would be if I was not at artist.
4-running: this sport seriously saved my life. I get a little stronger every time I run.
3-the river: I grew up on the river and in a boat. Summer is not complete without that muddy water.
2-Cricket: I lost her once and my heart broke. I look into this sweet terrier eyes and know what unconditional love it. I love that dog to pieces.
1-Cory and Brody: this used to be just Cory's spot, but then Brody came along. So Cory-best friend, sweetheart, loyal, husband, love of my life. You came along at the right moment and I'm a better person for loving you. Brody-I love you more than I ever thought possible. You amaze me every day.
So there you have it! The 13 things I love. What are yours?
It's been awhile. Sorry about that. Work got crazy busy and I have been totally wiped out when I get home.
Most of you are probably familiar with the TimeHop app. I discovered it a few months back and have loved seeing what it digs up. Today it brought back some tweets from 4 years ago. Apparently #13thingsilove was trending and I decided to jump on the bandwagon. I have decided to share them here so that they will be easier to revisit in the future.
In 4 years they have only changed a little, so here goes...
13-reading: I love the feeling of a book in my hands, don't think I will ever own a kindle. (This is true, I still don't have one and so far have no desire for one. I do have an iPad but do not read on it.)
12-music: the iPod is the greatest invention ever. Plug it into my car and sing at the top of my lungs every day.
11-traveling: near or far, I love exploring new places and learning about cultures.
10-drawing: I'm getting back to my roots. (This was ceramics. I do love working with clay but finally realized what I have always known, that my greatest strength is illustration)
9-guinea pigs: little balls of fur with big feet that are always happy to see you. Never seen a sweeter face than a guinea pigs.
8-the ocean: the sand, the waves, the shells, the coral reefs, boats...I can't imagine my life without it.
7-scuba diving: been diving since I was 12, can't tell you enough how awesome it is and how it has shaped me to be the person I am today.
6-friends: I cherish them more than they will ever know.
5-art: it's been a huge part of my life and I don't know who I would be if I was not at artist.
4-running: this sport seriously saved my life. I get a little stronger every time I run.
3-the river: I grew up on the river and in a boat. Summer is not complete without that muddy water.
2-Cricket: I lost her once and my heart broke. I look into this sweet terrier eyes and know what unconditional love it. I love that dog to pieces.
1-Cory and Brody: this used to be just Cory's spot, but then Brody came along. So Cory-best friend, sweetheart, loyal, husband, love of my life. You came along at the right moment and I'm a better person for loving you. Brody-I love you more than I ever thought possible. You amaze me every day.
So there you have it! The 13 things I love. What are yours?
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