Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Monument Avenue 10K 2015

I am just now getting a chance to sit down and write about this! Last Saturday was a great race!! True, it was the coldest on record, but once you got running it wasn't so bad.

Friday night I dropped B off at my parent's house and met Rachel from LouLou Belle for dinner. We went to this new place called BJ's Brewhouse and the food was SO GOOD! I got this chicken sandwich that was just ridiculously delicious. The wall of taps was pretty crazy too. The hubby eventually got off of work and joined us. We had a great time.

After dinner Rachel and I stopped at the mall so she could get some better clothes for running in the cold since it was only going to be in the 20's or 30's the next morning. I mentioned my fleece lined pants that felt amazing and she hopped on that bandwagon pretty quick. She picked up a pair at LuLuLemon that she couldn't stop raving about. ;-) Got to love those fleece lined pants!

Saturday morning we got an early start, picked up Rachel and found a parking spot that was an easy walk from the start and finish of the race. C took a backpack and stuffed our coats in there when it was finally go time.

Rachel dropped back and started in my corral. We actually run about the same pace and stayed together until the last 2 miles or so. It was nice to have someone to run with and it was also nice because we were both listening to music and didn't feel the need to talk at all. I like talking, but talking and running is rather tough. We finished about 2 minutes apart.

The first mile took about 11:30. My hopes of a PR were dashed when I heard this through my ear buds...but then the next mile seemed a little easier...and was under 10 minutes. I made myself slow down a bit then, even thought I have been training, I am still not in the best of shape as far as my knee goes, and I did not want to hurt anything. Long story short, I finished that race ONE MINUTE SLOWER THAN MY PR!!!!!!!!! Even though I did not PR, I was so freaking happy and proud of myself. My goal for a long time has been to run a 10K in an hour or less. It's so close I can taste it...

I have 2 small complaints about the race this year...1-it was way more crowded than I ever remember it being. People walked in the middle of the road and I actually yelled at someone to move to the side. 2-There seem to be quite a few people that think it is a social affair. I was running down the street by 9:30AM and there were these chicks running across the race cutting off the runners with Solo cups in hand. And let's be honest, we all know what was in those Solo cups...If you are going to come out and cheer people on, great, but be respectful and stay off the course or wait until there is a good break before you run across the road. Not all of us can run like Kenyans, but that doesn't mean we aren't trying to set a PR.

I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to be racing again. It feels so incredible. I am happy the warmer weather is moving back in as well and I won't have to wear so many layers to run.

Happy Spring Ya'll!!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed Tori! It was bizarre watching spectators run across the road in front of the participants!!! And even though it was a cold one, it was a fun day! Thank heaven for those pants!!! :D
