As any parent knows, you are on pins and needles waiting to find out whether you are going to be having a boy or a girl...our big day finally came last Thursday. We were excited but nervous going in there, knowing that we wouldn't just be finding out the gender, but also checking major organs. The tech started with the head and worked her way down and we were so relieved to see that everything was growing correctly and the heart was perfectly formed. What a relief! Then she very nonchalantly told us....
That's right! It's a boy! I have had so many emotions flooding over me the past few days. It just feels so REAL's a real person, a boy! I don't have to call him "it" anymore. He's really moving now and C felt him kick from the outside for the first time on Sunday :-) What a cool moment.
Needless to say, C is pretty excited about having a little boy. I'm excited to have another little man in my life. :-)
Sunday we went to Babies R Us and registered. It was fun but exhausting! There is SO MUCH STUFF you need. I really have no idea how it is all going to fit into my house. Afterward we came home and got started on the nursery. It was our guest/storage room so we've been trying to clean it out. I hope to get it painted in the next few weekends so we can start getting the furniture we need.
My mother in law also gave us the travel system while we were up for the holidays. I love it! I don't know why but I was so excited to get this item. My mom gave me the Vera Bradley diaper bag I wanted for Christmas :-) This is really happening!
So I'm a little over 21 weeks now, a little over half way there! May sounds so far away, but I know it will be here before we know it. My body has really been aching lately and I think it misses working out. I have a plan that I plan on trying out this week. I think my body really misses working out and I REALLY miss running. It doesn't feel right not having a race in my near future that I am training for, but I have big plans for after the baby is born.
More to come later about how my preggo workouts go!
Congratulations! I have your blog on the running bloggers map located in Richmond:)
Thank you!!