Thursday, January 19, 2012

looking for a little inspiration

The last couple of days I have been checking out some other blogs by women runners. I want to improve my blog and get some new readers, so I figured I should see what others are doing. In my "research" I have found some really great blogs and some amazing women that I can only aspire to be like. I wish I had the time/effort/money to run some of these races that they do...well let's be honest, I wish running was my full time job, but it's not, unless you count chasing elementary age children around all day making sure they have done their artwork correctly, cleaned up after themselves, aren't bickering over something...who I am kidding, I run marathons every day at work! For the most part I enjoy my job but there are days I wish I could trade in my Danskos for my Sauconys.

Like this morning.

I stopped at Starbucks on my way to work. I don't drink coffee, but I have a lot of gift cards and I was craving some OJ. On a side note, I really need to learn to go grocery shopping once a week and plan out our dinners! Anyways, as I headed out the door with my Classic Coffee Cake (no joke) and OJ, I spotted this guy sitting in one of the comfy chairs in the corner, headphones in, laptop on. For a brief moment I was pretty jealous. Now, I have no idea what this guy was doing, but I immediately thought of my blog. Oh I wanted to plop down in the chair next to him, whip out the iPad and start blogging right then and there.
But wait, I'm a teacher. No can do.

I have a great job, I really do, there are just some days that I really just want to wake up late, go for a run and come home and blog about it. Or read blogs. While I drink hot chai out of my new Keurig. Mmm...dreams...oh wait I call those Saturdays.

But then I remember things like this.

Students with their Chinese dragon masks!

And it makes it more worth it.

Anyways I am not quite sure how I got off on a tangent about work. Like I was saying, I found a few blogs that I really liked and was inspired by.

Shut Up And Run-So. Freaking. Funny. Seriously, she makes me almost pee my pants when I read it.

Runninghood-Amanda has some really great posts and a beautiful writing style. Her writing makes me want to make my writing better. And I love her view on life.

Skinny Runner-Whether you are a skinny runner or a normal jogger, you'll like this blog. I fall under the latter category.

Twenty-Six and Then Some-Page followed her dreams. I am totally inspired by her, and wish that someday I could be like that. Just drop it all and go for it. And live it. Yea, that would be awesome.

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