The difference between this summer and last are amazing. Last summer, my summer lasted for almost 6 months. It was fantastic. I was exhausted as is to be expected with a newborn but this summer is exhausting in a whole new way. I still don't have the time to do the things I really want to and it is hard to make the time. Really hard. now have a toddler and although it is so much fun watching learn and grow, it's the most exhausting thing I've ever done. I have to constantly keep him entertained and the only real breaks I get are his nap time or when I have him gated in the living room and I can see him at all times but he can basically just play with his toys without needing me. Today he had a doctors appointment and we had to wait in the waiting room for 40 minutes before even going back to the exam room!! It was hell. Luckily there were not many people in there but my child kept running up to other people and grabbing them or touching them, trying to go through the trash, screaming, not wanting to be held and trying to use the furniture like a jungle gym. I sooooooo envy all the women I know that are my age that have little girls right now. We went to the sprayground a few weeks ago and all the moms were huddled together talking and their little girls were standing around them while my child, the only boy, ran around like a wild animal with me chasing him. There is no social hour for me anymore and I am a person that craves adult conversation. For the first time ever, I think I am ready for school to start. I love my child with all my heart and soul and I hope he always keeps his adventurous, happy spirit but holy crap does it wear me out!
My running is very slowing getting better. Me knees are hit or miss but I am getting a little stronger. I got half way through my ab challenge and even though I did not complete it, I can now hold a 30 second plank with no problem. 15 days was all it took to accomplish this. I want to continue the simple ab exercises that the 30 day challenge uses because amazingly they worked, but I don't see myself ever doing 125 sit ups and 200 crunches in one sitting. The gym has also be hard b/c little man throws a fit whenever I drop him off in the kid zone and I have to throw a snack at him and run for the door. I'm really glad he loves his daycare. It's getting slightly better but it is hard to run away from tears. I get over it quickly when I hop on the bike or enter a classroom.
Yesterday we woke up late so instead of the gym we went for a run. I did 3.25 miles while pushing the stroller! It was slow and hot but it felt really good. Tomorrow I am definitely going to the gym but I think another 3 miler might be in order for Friday early morning.
Also, this is how much fun you can have with the box that your new water heater comes in:
It's the bright side of the water heater breaking.