My life has been one crazy, exhausting, fantastic roller coaster ride for the past week or so. At exactly 38 weeks my son decided it was time to greet the world!
Introducing Brody Robert! Born at 12:42AM on May 5th, 7lbs 9oz & 20 inches long! |
It all started last Saturday morning at 4:30AM. I had a dream that I had the baby and woke up suddenly to discover that my water had broken! I jumped out of bed and said to C, "My water broke!" Needless to say he jolted upright half asleep and confused. The contractions started within half an hour and we made it to the hospital by 6AM. I had no idea what I was in for...
Not only did I have to struggle just to get pregnant with my son, we all know I like to be difficult and do things the hard way and getting him into this world was no different. I should have known...
First the nurse had to stick me 3 times with the IV before she got it in. If you've ever had an IV you know that it hurts a lot worse than a needle. I still have bruises all over my arms.
Proud Papa |
Then I got my epidural as soon as I could. C had to leave the room because he doesn't do well with needles and things like that but he said he could hear me yelling "ow" all the way out by the doors to Labor and Delivery. I was MUCH happier after the epidural kicked in. Contractions are no joke.
As the day went on I labored for 20 hours. Then pushed for 2 hours. After awhile it became apparent that part of my cervix wasn't dilating the way it should and his head was turned in a weird way that was preventing him from coming out. After all that time and effort I ended up having a c-section.
It was one of the hardest and most amazing experiences of my life. I just wish that the c-section had been at 3 in the afternoon instead of midnight the next day after all that work.
Whatever way that your child comes into this world, you still get a great prize in the end.
We stayed in the hospital for four days and got to go home on Wednesday. I've never been so stiff and sore in my whole life. My legs were swollen before I delivered but they were 10 times worse after. Yesterday was the first day that I finally have my legs back, and man am I so HAPPY to have them back! The first thing I plan on doing after my 6 week check up is to go for a RUN.
Some tummy time with Dad, the night we brought him home. |
Brody has been such a blessing. He is adorable (I'm a little biased but this is what everyone keeps telling me) and having a newborn isn't as scary as I thought it would be. Things are different when it's your own child and you get to do things the way you want to.
Mommy did this to me! |
We've been learning. C and I have both had our moments but for the most part we have fallen into a rhythm pretty quickly. He has been so amazingly supportive while I have recovered from the c-section and struggled with breastfeeding and also been blown away by how fast I have recovered from the surgery as well as going through labor and delivery. He calls me his "rock star mama". :-)
We even had our first walk 2 days after getting home! |
After this experience I know I can run a marathon. Richmond 2014 here I come. Can't wait to have C and Brody cheering me on from the sidelines :-)
He's gonna be preppy! |