Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thank You

This post is dedicated to my husband.

I've mentioned several times before that he is my rock. He's proven that over and over before and during this pregnancy, and especially in the last few weeks. 

He was at my side for every fertility appointment and procedure.

He's been at every ultrasound and at the important doctor appointments-there's a lot so I gave him a pass on the boring ones :-)

I haven't had many insane cravings but on the nights that I've been like, "I need to have this" he's had no complaints.

In the last 2 weeks when my feet blew up and I can no longer reach them, he's helped me get on my socks and shoes and willingly helps me get on the awesome compression socks in the morning before work.

The poor guy has even been sleeping on the couch because my pregnancy induced snoring keeps him awake. :-( I feel really bad about this one. I've tried nose strips and humidifiers but nothing seems to help reduce the snoring and I hate it when he sleeps on the couch. Hopefully the snoring will go away once the baby is here...and yes I am aware that neither of us will be getting any sleep when he is here anyways but at least it won't be me keeping him awake any more.

I can't begin to imagine how women do this on their own or with a non-supportive partner. You feel awful in the beginning, decent in the middle and the end completely sucks. I am so thankful that I have a husband that is so helpful and caring. It really makes a huge difference and makes the experience so much more enjoyable.

So thank you C, for everything. I know we will make a great parenting team. :-)

Monday, April 29, 2013


With only a few weeks left of this pregnancy, I've been thinking a lot about how I will get back in shape after he is born. I've also been thinking about my long term goal and how I will achieve it-to run a full marathon.

I've had some major issues lately with fluid collecting in my feet and legs and I am hoping that it all clears up quickly after I give birth. Ultimately I don't know how that and the fact I haven't been running in 5-6 months, will affect my running again.

But I do have a plan.

The end goal is to run the Richmond Marathon in 2014.

Until then, I am going to slowly rebuild my mileage and participate in races that will help me build that mileage as I go. Will I be running the half in Richmond next fall? No. But I do hope to run the 8K and then a half in the spring and then join the marathon training team in June 2014.

I had a whole list of races prepared but as I start to look at dates, I'm not sure if I will get to them all. No matter what, I have my sites set on my first marathon in 2014. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

good advice

Was browsing my other blog and found this old post. Such great advice and something the hubby and I need to keep in mind in the years to come.

From allprodad.com

"True love is not a feeling. It is a decision. It's an act of the will to be patient, kind, humble, hopeful, giving, faithful and trusting. When you commit to loving your wife this way, your feelings for her and hers for you will follow. Actively loving your wife will radically strengthen your marriage and will also be incredibly beneficial to your children. The number one source of security for kids is to know that their dad loves their mother and is steadfastly committed to her well-being."

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon

What happened at the Boston Marathon yesterday was unbelievable. When I turned on the TV and saw it, it shook me to the core. Not only did I have a friend running the race and a friend cheering him on, I was supposed to be out there this year. If I hadn't gotten pregnant, I was going to run it as a charity runner with my friend. Luckily both of my friends are fine, although the one that ran it posted to Facebook yesterday that he had just finished and was close enough to feel the blasts. Terrifying.

A year and half ago when we were visiting Beave in Boston, I stood and looked at the finish line which is painted on Boylston Street. I went in that Marathon Sports. 

This one really hit close to home for me. We can't even have fun events anymore without someone ruining it for everyone else.

What kind of world do we live in? I'm sad that this is the world that I am bringing my child into. I hope they find whoever did this, whoever hurt all those innocent people, and bring them to justice.

But in the darkness there is always light. I'm glad there were policemen and EMS all over the place and right there able to help. Runners are resilient. This won't end the Boston Marathon. And I still plan on being out there running it one day. Terrorists and acts of violence will never win.

"By love we'll beat back the pain we've found."-Dave Matthews Band

Thursday, April 11, 2013



The weather has been GREAT the last couple of days...I love heat with no humidity and even when there is humidity I do good (I think I was a lizard in a past life)...but with the heat comes a little something I wasn't aware of...preggo swelling. Otherwise known as edema.

Well, I take that back. I knew swelling was normal when pregnant, but haven't experienced it thus far. I guess it helps that I have been living in running sneakers and gone through most of this pregnancy in cold weather.

Now the weather gets super hot and I get a new pair of sandals I think are going to be OK for work (I'm on my feet a lot during the day). Monday they worked out well and my feet were only slightly sore that evening. Tuesday I woke up and the bottoms of my feet felt slightly bruised. I put the sandals back on and went about my day. Well, I overdid it and when I got home and actually SAW my feet, I shrieked!

WARNING: This is not for the faint of heart...


I warned you!!! It was not pretty. I love my feet. They do a lot of great things for me and I try to take good care of them...but damn. I put them up for the rest of the evening and began drinking a lot of water. They looked better after a few hours and were not as bad today. I went back to the running shoes and loose socks. Much better today. They felt like they were getting a massage compared to having the sandals on. 

I'm a little worried since this hit me out of no where and can be a sign of preeclampsia, but I'm sure it's fine. Go back to the doctor next week so I'll ask her then. Plus it is hopeful that the swelling went down overnight and isn't as bad today. My rings were a little tight this morning too.

Almost 35 weeks, so I'm in the homestretch with 6 or less weeks to go. After this, running a marathon is going to be a breeze!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break!

Last week was spring break and it was great! It was so nice to be off for a week with no worries and decent weather. I have on sandals today which is soooo nice. Never again will I take putting on socks and tying my own shoes for granted.

I spent my week meeting up with friends and staying busy in general. Monday I had lunch with Rebecca and her daughter and then we walked around the mall for a bit. Little H got her first pair of sunglasses! So cute! I think I might have to get my little man a pair if I can find them. Do they make baby Ray Bans??

That night I finally got to go visit my good friend who just had her first baby! She was so cute and I got to hold her till my back ached and I had to give her back. My bump made the perfect baby support! No Boppy necessary.

Wednesday I met up with Rachel from Lou Lou Belle and we had lunch. I love being able to meet friends for lunch during the week like a regular working professional! That's one of the downsides to teaching, you're pretty much stuck in the building from beginning to end of the work day. Teachers get over excited about going out to lunch.

Thursday I had lunch with my parents. Like I said, it was a lunch week.

Friday I had no car because C had his truck getting worked on. I was able to get a ride from Dad though and go get it. Driving C's giant truck is always an experience since I don't do it very often. The thing is a beast but I love it. Trucks make life so much easier.

The weekend involved yard clean up and more visiting with friends. We also bought some trees for the yard! You know you are over thirty when you get excited about buying trees...

Awhile back I purchased a Groupon for online photography classes and they started last week as well. This week starts week 2 and I am already amazed at what I am learning! I can't wait to see what else I can do in Photoshop...more on that later though.

Hope everyone is having a happy spring!

Less than 6 weeks to go till baby arrives!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

If I could...

As I look through things I have bookmarked on my computer, I come across the link for the Disney Princess Half Marathon. My mind wanders and I think, If I could have any job, I wish I could just go to expos, run races, and be some running bigwig...and I would blog about it. That's all.