Best run ever?
Wicked 10K in Virginia Beach back in 2010. It was a gorgeous day and I did really well.
Three words that describe your running?
Slow, steady, and long
Your go-to running outfit?
My Lululemon ensamble of a mint tank top, matching headband, and gray print running skirt. Got to be matchy matchy!
Quirky habit while running?
Checking to make sure my Bondi Band hasn’t slipped off my head. They have a tendency to slide off sometimes and you don’t even notice.
Morning, midday, evening?
Morning, unless I am working, then evening.
I won’t run outside when it’s icy or dark.
Worst injury—and how you got over it.
My hip flexor. I was walking up the stairs in my parents’ house three days before my first half marathon and I slipped. I had stuff in my hands so I wasn’t able to catch myself and I went straight down on my knee which jarred my hip. It hurt pretty bad, but I seemed OK by Saturday so I went out and ran the race. After that I could barely walk. I had to go to a sports med doctor and had physical therapy for awhile. I eventually just had to re-strengthen the hip by running.
I felt most like a badass mother runner when I have a great race and finish strong across the finish line.
Next race is the Crawlin’ Crab 5K in Hampton, VA.
Potential running goal for 2013?
Run happy, run often, and possibly try to run the Richmond Half Marathon in November.