Just a typical night in my house, while I sit in bed reading and contemplating the future, my husband walks in to tell me he needs to run to Target quick.
me: "I'm slightly worried about the apocalypse tomorrow."
C: "Why?"
me: "I want to meet my baby! And spend like, 60 more years with you."
C: "Is Australia still here?"
me: "What?"
C: "Australia. If it was going to happen then they'd be gone already."
me: "One of my students told me it was supposed to happen at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, and also that the Mayans ran out of rock to make more calendars with so they just didn't make any more."
C: "Alright, I'm going to Target quick. I'll be back in a few."
me: "Did you get what you needed at Target?"
C: "No it burned down."
me: "It's because of the apocalypse."
C: "Oh that's right I forgot. Australia called, they said the apocalypse was going to start with our Target."
A few minutes later...
C: "I have this feeling like I am going to get nothing done at work tomorrow."
me: "You're not."
C: "Why? Because I will be in vacation mode?"
me: "No, because of the apocalypse."
C: "Oh so I just won't be alive to get any work done?"
me: "Yep. Hey did you lock the back door?"
C: "No I left it wide open."
me: "I just want to make sure it's bolted so the zombies don't get in!"
C: "The zombies will be dead because of the apocalypse!"
me: "NO! They will be the only thing to survive the apocalypse!"
True Story.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
new blog address
Please note my new blog address onethousandmiles-blog.blogspot.com
I hope to one day shorten this by taking out the blogspot, but this is it for now. I know my old address was kind of confusing since I started this blog with a different name, but One Thousand Miles is going to be it from here on out.
I hope to one day shorten this by taking out the blogspot, but this is it for now. I know my old address was kind of confusing since I started this blog with a different name, but One Thousand Miles is going to be it from here on out.
Monday, December 17, 2012
There are no words...
This has been a tough topic in my house the last few days. I haven't written anything because I honestly don't know where to begin.
As an elementary school teacher, I have always felt like this is the safest of school levels I could be working in. Friday rocked me to the core. We have our procedures in place, our first concern has always been and will always be the safety of the students. I will continue to do my part in keeping them safe. So parents please know that the little things that we do that might get on your nerves, like having to get out of your car to come to the office to sign your child out, these little things are in place to keep your child safe. So instead of getting frustrated, be thankful. We have you and your child's be interest in mind.
As a pregnant woman, a mother, I cried while watching the news. Knowing that I am bringing a child into a world where something like this has happened to such young children, right in our own backyard, is heart wrenching. I can't even begin to wrap my head around what those parents must be feeling. I can only pray and do the best that I can to keep my child and bring them up in a home where there is love and warmth and try to teach them to take that out into the world with them.
What happened was indescribably horrible and pointless. I can only hope that some good comes out of it and that we, as a nation of human beings, start to work together and care more for each other.
We need more love and support in this world. I pray that those with mental illness can be given the help that they need and that they will accept that help. There is always a light at the end of every tunnel.
As an elementary school teacher, I have always felt like this is the safest of school levels I could be working in. Friday rocked me to the core. We have our procedures in place, our first concern has always been and will always be the safety of the students. I will continue to do my part in keeping them safe. So parents please know that the little things that we do that might get on your nerves, like having to get out of your car to come to the office to sign your child out, these little things are in place to keep your child safe. So instead of getting frustrated, be thankful. We have you and your child's be interest in mind.
As a pregnant woman, a mother, I cried while watching the news. Knowing that I am bringing a child into a world where something like this has happened to such young children, right in our own backyard, is heart wrenching. I can't even begin to wrap my head around what those parents must be feeling. I can only pray and do the best that I can to keep my child and bring them up in a home where there is love and warmth and try to teach them to take that out into the world with them.
What happened was indescribably horrible and pointless. I can only hope that some good comes out of it and that we, as a nation of human beings, start to work together and care more for each other.
We need more love and support in this world. I pray that those with mental illness can be given the help that they need and that they will accept that help. There is always a light at the end of every tunnel.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Sharing something else with the Royals...
So by now I'm sure we've all heard the big news of the week...Kate is expecting!! I absolutely adore this couple and have for a long time. I have to admit, when my parents and I made our 2 trips to England when I was in high school, I was really hoping to spot Prince William (because what girl my age didn't have a crush on him?), catch his eye and spend the rest of my life in England as a princess.
Unfortunately for me, that did not happen, but since Kate is a brunette and acts like a lady, I rather like her. I was one of the crazies that got up at 4:30AM to watch the wedding...and recorded it on DVR.
So back in 2010, I got engaged...Kate and William got engaged a few months later...
In 2011, they beat me to the alter because they have the money, people and resources to plan a wedding in 6 months. I do not, but we did get married 2 months after them.
And now in 2012, just a few weeks after I tell everyone I am pregnant for the first time, here comes Kate and William with the same great news.
I'm thinking our children are destined to be together.
Hey, I wouldn't mind having them as in-laws :-)
Unfortunately for me, that did not happen, but since Kate is a brunette and acts like a lady, I rather like her. I was one of the crazies that got up at 4:30AM to watch the wedding...and recorded it on DVR.
So back in 2010, I got engaged...Kate and William got engaged a few months later...
In 2011, they beat me to the alter because they have the money, people and resources to plan a wedding in 6 months. I do not, but we did get married 2 months after them.
And now in 2012, just a few weeks after I tell everyone I am pregnant for the first time, here comes Kate and William with the same great news.
I'm thinking our children are destined to be together.
Hey, I wouldn't mind having them as in-laws :-)
![]() |
Hey future in laws! How's the royal life? When are we all going out on the yacht together for holiday? |
Monday, December 3, 2012
Latest Reads
Since I have been a slacker in the running department, I have been spending a lot of time on the couch reading. Here are a few of the books I have read lately. I have a feeling you will be seeing more posts about books in the near future...
Let's Pretend This Never Happened-By Jenny Lawson
Oh. My. God. This is the funniest book I have read in a long time. If you aren't too keen on curse words, then I would advise you to stay away. Otherwise you are going to love this book if you have a weird, twisted sense of humor like me. Jenny Lawson started with her blog and branched out into being a writer. After I read the book I checked out her blog and found even more hilariousness like what was in the book. I now go to her blog regularly to get my daily fix. Some people need coffee, I need Jenny.
Don't Sing at the Table-By Adriana Trigiani
I've got to be honest, at first this book was a total snooze. I really don't care that one grandma worked in a mill and the other worked in a shoe shop or how they got there since honestly, their stories weren't all that interesting. About half way through the book though the author picked up the pace and started using noteworthy quotes and that kept me interested. Plus it was a book club book and I can't not finish those. If you want an easy, fast read and like this kind of stuff, then I say go for it. The discussion was that the other books by this author were better. Something about Big Stone Gap.
Breaking Dawn-By Stephanie Meyer
This is actually the second time I have read this. I went back and reread the whole series before BD part 1 came out, except for the fourth book. I think you all know what happens, but just thought I would throw it in there. Sometimes you just need a quick, easy read fix, and the best way to do that is by reading about vampires, humans and werewolves and love triangles between all these...By the way, does anyone else love the soundtracks to these movies (expect for 2 & 3) as much as I do??
One Thousand White Women-By
This one has taken me by surprise. I have been avoiding it for quite some time and it has been avoided by my book club for many months as well, always coming up as a choice but never getting picked. It was that poor last kid standing in line to be picked for kickball back in elementary school (and I can say that because I was usually that kid). So apparently the Cherokee people wanted 1,000 white women back in the day to mate with and the government said no. This story tells what it might have been like had the government said yes. It is from a white woman's point of view, but as a woman, I can totally tell it was written by a man. Ladies, read it and you will see what I mean.
Let's Pretend This Never Happened-By Jenny Lawson
Oh. My. God. This is the funniest book I have read in a long time. If you aren't too keen on curse words, then I would advise you to stay away. Otherwise you are going to love this book if you have a weird, twisted sense of humor like me. Jenny Lawson started with her blog and branched out into being a writer. After I read the book I checked out her blog and found even more hilariousness like what was in the book. I now go to her blog regularly to get my daily fix. Some people need coffee, I need Jenny.
Don't Sing at the Table-By Adriana Trigiani
I've got to be honest, at first this book was a total snooze. I really don't care that one grandma worked in a mill and the other worked in a shoe shop or how they got there since honestly, their stories weren't all that interesting. About half way through the book though the author picked up the pace and started using noteworthy quotes and that kept me interested. Plus it was a book club book and I can't not finish those. If you want an easy, fast read and like this kind of stuff, then I say go for it. The discussion was that the other books by this author were better. Something about Big Stone Gap.
Breaking Dawn-By Stephanie Meyer
This is actually the second time I have read this. I went back and reread the whole series before BD part 1 came out, except for the fourth book. I think you all know what happens, but just thought I would throw it in there. Sometimes you just need a quick, easy read fix, and the best way to do that is by reading about vampires, humans and werewolves and love triangles between all these...By the way, does anyone else love the soundtracks to these movies (expect for 2 & 3) as much as I do??
One Thousand White Women-By
This one has taken me by surprise. I have been avoiding it for quite some time and it has been avoided by my book club for many months as well, always coming up as a choice but never getting picked. It was that poor last kid standing in line to be picked for kickball back in elementary school (and I can say that because I was usually that kid). So apparently the Cherokee people wanted 1,000 white women back in the day to mate with and the government said no. This story tells what it might have been like had the government said yes. It is from a white woman's point of view, but as a woman, I can totally tell it was written by a man. Ladies, read it and you will see what I mean.
I read in bed. |
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wicked 10K 2012
With the commotion of finally being able to tell people about the pregnancy I totally forgot about my last race. C and I travelled down to Virginia Beach at the end of October so I could run the Wicked 10K one last time pre-children. I told my doctor about it a few weeks before and she is a runner as well so she was totally fine with me running it, but she said that distance is the tops for how far I should be going. And I am glad I listened because whoa...running pregnant is hard.
We got there Friday night and stayed with a friend of mine and had dinner at The Broken Egg Bistro, which was fabulous and I can't wait to go back. Chicken alfredo....yum.....
Saturday morning we got up and headed down to the oceanfront. Sandy was on the way in and it was a little ominous looking and rather windy out. It still wasn't as windy as last year, which was nice and it did not rain on us, so a few clouds were totally fine. Nothing sucks more than running in the rain. Unless you are doing it for fun in a bikini. Or scuba diving in the rain. That's actually pretty fabulous.
My friend R ran this one with me, and we had a blast. Running with a friend is a LOT of fun and something I haven't done since 2008. I now realize I need to do it more. The race goes faster and you don't overdo it since you are busy chatting away. Before the race started when we finally found each other in the mass of people, I told her that we had to take it easy today because I had an extra passenger riding along.
R: "Oh cool, where are they?" (looks around)
C and I looked at each other and grinned like pole cats. R looked back at our faces and suddenly it hit her and she freaked out. It was great :-) She has a little daughter who is about 5 months old and is the cutest little baby you've ever seen. We can't wait for play dates even though her daughter will be about a year older than my child by the time he/she finally gets here.
This race would have been extremely hard for me had it not been for R. We took it easy but pushed each other just enough to finish strong. My body was sooooo not happy with me after. Near the end I really started to feel it in my lower back and legs. I have run once on my own since this race. I really want to start running more easy runs because I want to keep my legs in shape and my doctor says it makes labor easier. Definitely going to need a motivational pal though because the couch is just so tempting at the end of the day.
What do you use for motivation to work out when you just don't feel like it? Any experienced momma's have any workout advice for a new momma?
We got there Friday night and stayed with a friend of mine and had dinner at The Broken Egg Bistro, which was fabulous and I can't wait to go back. Chicken alfredo....yum.....
Saturday morning we got up and headed down to the oceanfront. Sandy was on the way in and it was a little ominous looking and rather windy out. It still wasn't as windy as last year, which was nice and it did not rain on us, so a few clouds were totally fine. Nothing sucks more than running in the rain. Unless you are doing it for fun in a bikini. Or scuba diving in the rain. That's actually pretty fabulous.
My friend R ran this one with me, and we had a blast. Running with a friend is a LOT of fun and something I haven't done since 2008. I now realize I need to do it more. The race goes faster and you don't overdo it since you are busy chatting away. Before the race started when we finally found each other in the mass of people, I told her that we had to take it easy today because I had an extra passenger riding along.
R: "Oh cool, where are they?" (looks around)
C and I looked at each other and grinned like pole cats. R looked back at our faces and suddenly it hit her and she freaked out. It was great :-) She has a little daughter who is about 5 months old and is the cutest little baby you've ever seen. We can't wait for play dates even though her daughter will be about a year older than my child by the time he/she finally gets here.
We were tired but excited. The chick in the background looks like she's about the sneak attack someone. |
Running down the oceanfront boulevard with about 3 miles behind us. |
Happily headed towards the finish line! |
This race would have been extremely hard for me had it not been for R. We took it easy but pushed each other just enough to finish strong. My body was sooooo not happy with me after. Near the end I really started to feel it in my lower back and legs. I have run once on my own since this race. I really want to start running more easy runs because I want to keep my legs in shape and my doctor says it makes labor easier. Definitely going to need a motivational pal though because the couch is just so tempting at the end of the day.
What do you use for motivation to work out when you just don't feel like it? Any experienced momma's have any workout advice for a new momma?
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Worth the Wait
Why haven't I been running as much lately? Why didn't I do the Richmond half for what would have been my fifth year in a row?? Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words :-)
We're going to have a baby!! As you can tell from my Running Journey page, I don't seem to ever do things the easy way. Of course, this couldn't be easy either. Long story short, after 17 cycles and 2 IUI's, we are FINALLY PREGNANT! C and I couldn't be more over the moon :-)
When I took my first test and found out I was pregnant, I went to the store and bought this bib. When C got home I gave it to him and told him we were going to need it in May!
One of my best friends is due in December. I was 12 weeks here so we compared the big bump to the little bump!
We've had 2 more ultrasounds since then. The next was at 9 weeks and I started calling my baby "the blob" because that was all it looked like. The third was last Friday and it looks like a little person now. It was amazing. It was opening and closing it's mouth and waving it's arms all over the place. It also would not lay in a good position to get a profile picture, so we got a picture of it as if you were looking down on it. So it looks like a skull with a belly and 2 hands. It is all in there though!!
Next ultrasound isn't until January and that's when we find out what we are having. Can't wait to see if we are having a girl or boy and continuing to pray for a healthy baby!
I am going to try to run through this pregnancy though I know it will be few and far between. I've been rather lazy these last 3 months and have done a lot of sitting and eating. This kid tells me it needs food ALL THE TIME.
This will still be a running blog, but it will encompass a little more of my life outside of running, and how it all relates back to running and overcoming bumps in the road of life. I hope you continue on this awesome journey with me as I take this like I do everything else, one step at a time. :-)
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Half Marathon Training Plan
So I have not been running and this is the first time in four years that I am missing the Richmond Half Marathon. I am a little sad over this but I know I will be back out there next year. Plus there is frost outside today which means that it will probably be really cold again on Saturday. No tears here for missing out on the cold.
A friend of mine was asking for motivation advice on Facebook last night because she is training for her first half marathon which is in March. I offered the idea of a training plan, and she liked that so I came up with this. Now, I am not a running coach, but I have run 5 of these things and I have also taken other plans and modified them to work for me. So that's what I did with this one. Enjoy!
Week M Tu W Th F S Su Total
1 R 2m easy R 2m pace R 1.5m easy 3m 8.5 miles
2 R 2m easy R 3m pace R 2m easy 4m 11 miles
3 R 2m easy R 2m p +H R 2.5m easy 5m 11.5 miles
4 R 3m easy R 3m pace R 2m easy 6m 14 miles
5 R 3m easy R 4m pace R 2m easy 7m 16 miles
6 R 3m easy R 3m p+H R 2.5m easy 8m 16.5 miles
7 R 4m easy R 5m pace R 3m easy 9m 21 miles
8 R 3m easy R 3m p+H R 3m easy 10m 19 miles
9 R 3m easy R 2m p+H R 3m easy 11m 19 miles
10 R 2m easy R 3m pace R 2m easy 12m 19 miles
11 R 2m easy R 2m pace R 2m easy Race! 19.1 miles
m = miles
p = pace
+H = run those miles and then run hills*
R = rest
Sunday you can run at race pace or you can take it easy and just finish it. Choice is yours. All that matters is that you get the mileage in.
*Hill Repeats-find a hill (doesn't have to be super steep but you don't want it almost flat either) and run up the hill for 10 seconds as fast as you can, then walk back down and do it again. Repeat this 10 times. It works different muscles in your legs than the ones you use for running distance and it improves lunge function. I actually really enjoyed these. Do them either before you run for the day or take a short break after your run if you want to do them after. If you just can't fit them in one day, don't stress, just make sure you get your mileage in for the day.
You can modify this plan to work more for you but this is a pretty good place for beginners to start. I don't worry about all the intervals and things that most training plans include, my life just doesn't have time for it, so I simplify plans so that they are easier to understand and easier for my lifestyle. Like I said, the important thing is to get out there and run the mileage so that your body is prepared for it on race day.
A friend of mine was asking for motivation advice on Facebook last night because she is training for her first half marathon which is in March. I offered the idea of a training plan, and she liked that so I came up with this. Now, I am not a running coach, but I have run 5 of these things and I have also taken other plans and modified them to work for me. So that's what I did with this one. Enjoy!
Week M Tu W Th F S Su Total
1 R 2m easy R 2m pace R 1.5m easy 3m 8.5 miles
2 R 2m easy R 3m pace R 2m easy 4m 11 miles
3 R 2m easy R 2m p +H R 2.5m easy 5m 11.5 miles
4 R 3m easy R 3m pace R 2m easy 6m 14 miles
5 R 3m easy R 4m pace R 2m easy 7m 16 miles
6 R 3m easy R 3m p+H R 2.5m easy 8m 16.5 miles
7 R 4m easy R 5m pace R 3m easy 9m 21 miles
8 R 3m easy R 3m p+H R 3m easy 10m 19 miles
9 R 3m easy R 2m p+H R 3m easy 11m 19 miles
10 R 2m easy R 3m pace R 2m easy 12m 19 miles
11 R 2m easy R 2m pace R 2m easy Race! 19.1 miles
m = miles
p = pace
+H = run those miles and then run hills*
R = rest
Sunday you can run at race pace or you can take it easy and just finish it. Choice is yours. All that matters is that you get the mileage in.
*Hill Repeats-find a hill (doesn't have to be super steep but you don't want it almost flat either) and run up the hill for 10 seconds as fast as you can, then walk back down and do it again. Repeat this 10 times. It works different muscles in your legs than the ones you use for running distance and it improves lunge function. I actually really enjoyed these. Do them either before you run for the day or take a short break after your run if you want to do them after. If you just can't fit them in one day, don't stress, just make sure you get your mileage in for the day.
You can modify this plan to work more for you but this is a pretty good place for beginners to start. I don't worry about all the intervals and things that most training plans include, my life just doesn't have time for it, so I simplify plans so that they are easier to understand and easier for my lifestyle. Like I said, the important thing is to get out there and run the mileage so that your body is prepared for it on race day.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Crawlin' Crab 5K
This past Sunday was the inaugural Crawlin' Crab Half Marathon and 5K in Hampton, Virginia. It is part of the J&A Racing series. C and I did it together and we had a good time. It's always nice to get away, just the two of us, even if it's just for one night.
Originally I had wanted to do the half marathon but that would have meant training in the summer heat and that just wasn't happening this year. So I opted for the 5K since it's the first race I have done since May. I had a good time, it was nice and short. At the end we got kickin' corn and crab chowder in a bread bowl from Baker's Crust!! It was so good.
I have no pictures from this race since my camera man was running with me this time and since my phone died. Ah well, c'est la vie.
Next up, the Wicked 10K! My favorite race!
Originally I had wanted to do the half marathon but that would have meant training in the summer heat and that just wasn't happening this year. So I opted for the 5K since it's the first race I have done since May. I had a good time, it was nice and short. At the end we got kickin' corn and crab chowder in a bread bowl from Baker's Crust!! It was so good.
I have no pictures from this race since my camera man was running with me this time and since my phone died. Ah well, c'est la vie.
Next up, the Wicked 10K! My favorite race!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
It's been quiet around here, I know. Life get's in the way sometimes and lately for me, running has taken a back seat, which is an unfortunate thing. I do have 2 races coming up in October that I am pretty excited about. So for now, here is a fun survey thing I stole from over at SUAR...
Best run ever?
Wicked 10K in Virginia Beach back in 2010. It was a gorgeous day and I did really well.
Three words that describe your running?
Slow, steady, and long
Your go-to running outfit?
My Lululemon ensamble of a mint tank top, matching headband, and gray print running skirt. Got to be matchy matchy!
Quirky habit while running?
Checking to make sure my Bondi Band hasn’t slipped off my head. They have a tendency to slide off sometimes and you don’t even notice.
Morning, midday, evening?
Morning, unless I am working, then evening.
I won’t run outside when it’s icy or dark.
Worst injury—and how you got over it.
My hip flexor. I was walking up the stairs in my parents’ house three days before my first half marathon and I slipped. I had stuff in my hands so I wasn’t able to catch myself and I went straight down on my knee which jarred my hip. It hurt pretty bad, but I seemed OK by Saturday so I went out and ran the race. After that I could barely walk. I had to go to a sports med doctor and had physical therapy for awhile. I eventually just had to re-strengthen the hip by running.
I felt most like a badass mother runner when I have a great race and finish strong across the finish line.
Next race is the Crawlin’ Crab 5K in Hampton, VA.
Potential running goal for 2013?
Run happy, run often, and possibly try to run the Richmond Half Marathon in November.
Best run ever?
Wicked 10K in Virginia Beach back in 2010. It was a gorgeous day and I did really well.
Three words that describe your running?
Slow, steady, and long
Your go-to running outfit?
My Lululemon ensamble of a mint tank top, matching headband, and gray print running skirt. Got to be matchy matchy!
Quirky habit while running?
Checking to make sure my Bondi Band hasn’t slipped off my head. They have a tendency to slide off sometimes and you don’t even notice.
Morning, midday, evening?
Morning, unless I am working, then evening.
I won’t run outside when it’s icy or dark.
Worst injury—and how you got over it.
My hip flexor. I was walking up the stairs in my parents’ house three days before my first half marathon and I slipped. I had stuff in my hands so I wasn’t able to catch myself and I went straight down on my knee which jarred my hip. It hurt pretty bad, but I seemed OK by Saturday so I went out and ran the race. After that I could barely walk. I had to go to a sports med doctor and had physical therapy for awhile. I eventually just had to re-strengthen the hip by running.
I felt most like a badass mother runner when I have a great race and finish strong across the finish line.
Next race is the Crawlin’ Crab 5K in Hampton, VA.
Potential running goal for 2013?
Run happy, run often, and possibly try to run the Richmond Half Marathon in November.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Although I have not done much running lately, I have been wakeboarding!
My parents have owned a boat since I was two years old so I grew up with water sports as my first love. When I was thirteen my godfather, who has a house on Lake Anna, got a wakeboard and I learned how to use it that summer. For my birthday the following March, my parents got me my very own wakeboard. I have loved it ever since.
My wakeboard is one of the first types there was and they are so much different now than they were back then. I hope that one day my husband and I will be able to get a boat of our own and then I will probably purchase a new wakeboard. I'd love to be able to do flips and tricks on it, mine is a little more difficult to use than the new ones. The technology has changed so much since I was 14! Plus I like having a boat with a wakeboard bar really makes a difference.
I hope there is a boat in our future. Summer just isn't the same without trips to the river and the lake.
Lake Anna and my godparent's dock :-) |
My parents have owned a boat since I was two years old so I grew up with water sports as my first love. When I was thirteen my godfather, who has a house on Lake Anna, got a wakeboard and I learned how to use it that summer. For my birthday the following March, my parents got me my very own wakeboard. I have loved it ever since.
My wakeboard is one of the first types there was and they are so much different now than they were back then. I hope that one day my husband and I will be able to get a boat of our own and then I will probably purchase a new wakeboard. I'd love to be able to do flips and tricks on it, mine is a little more difficult to use than the new ones. The technology has changed so much since I was 14! Plus I like having a boat with a wakeboard bar really makes a difference.
Cricket hates water, but I made her go out on the float! |
I hope there is a boat in our future. Summer just isn't the same without trips to the river and the lake.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Last week my hubby and I spent our first ever vacation together. I say it's our "first" because it is the first time we have been away together, alone, for a week. Long weekends are not the same as vacations to me. We were both so happy to get away and just be together. It has been an interesting year for us. We needed a break.
So we decided to go to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! Neither of us have ever been there, so it was fun to go somewhere new where we could just relax and not have an agenda. We spent a lot of time on the beach, eating out and playing mini golf.
I did go for a run on the beach one of the first few days we were there and it was not what I expected! I've never run on the beach before and it was a new feeling for me. I did not really care for the wind, all the people walking in my way, or the humidity. Running on sand seemed harder to me as well. I wanted a picture of me running, but hubby was asleep when I went out. When I got back, he asked how far I went and when I told him only one mile, he told me I looked like I had just run 5 miles! That's how humid it was that day...
Then a storm came through that night and since I had left my Sauconys on the balcony they got completely drenched and weren't dried out till we left. No more running for me! (And no, I did not want to run barefoot, there were too many broken shells.)
Since we had some rainy days, we went to the aquarium! It was not a very big aquarium, but it was really cool. Made me miss scuba diving even more.
We had a great time! Now my summer is winding down and I am gearing up to go back to work in a little over a week. This fall is going to be good though, I have two (hopefully three or four!) races planned that I will be training for. Time to get back into shape for REAL!
Did anyone have any great vacation stories to share? What is your favorite place to vacation?
So we decided to go to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! Neither of us have ever been there, so it was fun to go somewhere new where we could just relax and not have an agenda. We spent a lot of time on the beach, eating out and playing mini golf.
Relaxing on the beach! |
We played some unconventional mini golf... |
Then a storm came through that night and since I had left my Sauconys on the balcony they got completely drenched and weren't dried out till we left. No more running for me! (And no, I did not want to run barefoot, there were too many broken shells.)
Since we had some rainy days, we went to the aquarium! It was not a very big aquarium, but it was really cool. Made me miss scuba diving even more.
Walking through the tank! |
Lobstah! |
Getting back to my roots! |
Did anyone have any great vacation stories to share? What is your favorite place to vacation?
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Lazy Summer Days
It's hard to believe that it is already August. One minute I am complaining that the summer is going too slow and the next minute...*POOF* it is coming to a close.
I have tried my hardest this summer to get back into running like I was, but for the most part, my running logic has gone like this...
It has been pretty hot and sticky outside this summer and running has been the LAST thing on my mind. If I get up early enough and it is not too bad out, I try to go, but it's never very long. I did 3 miles the other week and the last mile was a doozy. I came home feeling somewhat light headed.
As of last night, I have a new motivation though! C and I are going to run the Crawlin' Crab 5K and my friend R and I are going to run the Wicked 10K together, both in October! Yay! Time to get back into shape! Just so you know, I am writing this while I wait for my husband to come home with a milk shake for me. It's my reward for running 2 miles this morning!...at least that's what I tell myself :-)
I have tried my hardest this summer to get back into running like I was, but for the most part, my running logic has gone like this...
It has been pretty hot and sticky outside this summer and running has been the LAST thing on my mind. If I get up early enough and it is not too bad out, I try to go, but it's never very long. I did 3 miles the other week and the last mile was a doozy. I came home feeling somewhat light headed.
As of last night, I have a new motivation though! C and I are going to run the Crawlin' Crab 5K and my friend R and I are going to run the Wicked 10K together, both in October! Yay! Time to get back into shape! Just so you know, I am writing this while I wait for my husband to come home with a milk shake for me. It's my reward for running 2 miles this morning!...at least that's what I tell myself :-)
Friday, July 13, 2012
26 Simple Things
26 things I enjoy in life-from A-Z. Got the idea from Teri over at A Foodie Stay Fit.
A-art-I'm an artist. I work in ceramics and paint. It helps keep me sane.
B-baking-I like baking. I really like baking sweets.
C-Cricket-my dog :-)
D-dates-going on dates with my husband :-) Got to keep the romance alive!
E-eating-I love to eat.
F-friends-Hanging out with my friends makes me happy. I like interacting with people.
G-Groupon-I've gotten some great deals and experienced some new places because of Groupon!
H-hair-I like styling my hair, or at least trying to style it.
J-jokes-I like cracking jokes and making people laugh.
K-kids-They are funny and keep me laughing at work.
L-library-I like that I don't have to buy every book I want to read.
O-outdoors-I like to be outside-particularly when I can run or lay in the sun or swim.
P-pictures-I love taking pictures, and scrapbooking them...and looking at them.
Q-quick trips to the grocery store- I don't like long ones.
S-swimming-Floating in the ocean or the river always feels amazing.
T-traveling-I love going places. I miss traveling with my parents.
U-understanding-when people understand me, and when I understand them.
V-vacuuming-weird, I know, but I love how clean the house feels after it has just been vacuumed.
W-walking on the beach
X-X-rays-another weird one. I like seeing my x-rays, seeing what the inside of me looks like. Does that make me odd?
Y-yoga-I like to relax.
Z-ZzzzZZzzz-sleeping <3
A-art-I'm an artist. I work in ceramics and paint. It helps keep me sane.
B-baking-I like baking. I really like baking sweets.
C-Cricket-my dog :-)
D-dates-going on dates with my husband :-) Got to keep the romance alive!
E-eating-I love to eat.
F-friends-Hanging out with my friends makes me happy. I like interacting with people.
G-Groupon-I've gotten some great deals and experienced some new places because of Groupon!
H-hair-I like styling my hair, or at least trying to style it.
J-jokes-I like cracking jokes and making people laugh.
K-kids-They are funny and keep me laughing at work.
L-library-I like that I don't have to buy every book I want to read.
O-outdoors-I like to be outside-particularly when I can run or lay in the sun or swim.
P-pictures-I love taking pictures, and scrapbooking them...and looking at them.
Q-quick trips to the grocery store- I don't like long ones.
S-swimming-Floating in the ocean or the river always feels amazing.
T-traveling-I love going places. I miss traveling with my parents.
U-understanding-when people understand me, and when I understand them.
V-vacuuming-weird, I know, but I love how clean the house feels after it has just been vacuumed.
W-walking on the beach
X-X-rays-another weird one. I like seeing my x-rays, seeing what the inside of me looks like. Does that make me odd?
Y-yoga-I like to relax.
Z-ZzzzZZzzz-sleeping <3
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Got to remember this once in awhile, in all aspects of life, not just running.
I went for a run on Monday morning. It was so humid, but it was a really great run. I have to keep the good runs in mind this summer with the oncoming heat. The plan this summer...get up EARLY and go! Got to tell my brain to just shut up and run.
I went for a run on Monday morning. It was so humid, but it was a really great run. I have to keep the good runs in mind this summer with the oncoming heat. The plan this summer...get up EARLY and go! Got to tell my brain to just shut up and run.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Fit to Run, Fit to Dream 8K
A few weeks ago I was cleaning up our home office and came across my bag of stuff from the half marathon expo back in November. I started to go through it, to see what was trash and what goodies I had forgotten about, and I came across a flyer for this race, Run for the Achievable Dream. It was only about a month away and there was an 8K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday. Knowing there was no way I was in shape for a half, I decided it might be fun to run the 8K since the race bug had bitten me once again. I checked it out online and saw that I would get to run through Colonial Williamsburg and get a medal. Sold!
C and I headed down Friday after work and spent the night down there even though it is a pretty quick drive from Richmond. The next morning was a little chilly but warmed up quickly and the day turned out to be gorgeous!
Great shot with part of Colonial Williamsburg behind me, even though you mostly see trees.
The course started on the William & Mary campus, looped through Colonial Williamsburg and then came back to campus to finish on their track around the football field. I'm not sure who measured this course, but it was a bit longer than an 8K. The app I was using told me I reached 5 miles in 50 minutes, and an 8K is 4.97, and I still had a good ways to go. They should really consider taking part of the route out for next year to shorten it.
Free Beer! Always a plus...even at 9AM!
The after party was in the sunken garden on the W&M campus. It was a great spot to relax and enjoy sitting after running. They even had misters along the course and in the garden to help you cool down. Definitely a bonus!
It really was perfect weather.

After we finished up, we had enough time to head back to the hotel and shower and then hit the outlets and get some lunch. Williamsburg is probably one of my favorite places in Virginia and makes for great little day trips or easy weekends. C even said that he wouldn't mind coming back down for this race again. I think this one might be added to my list of races to run more than once. :-)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I love fruit. It really is delicious. But only as a snack or with lunch and breakfast. Fruit is NOT a dessert and does NOT substitute for chocolate.
That being said, let me tell you about my friend the orange. I have always like oranges, but lately I am craving them. Summer really is the best time of the year, and I will never understand why so many people (my husband) are obsessed with winter. It's cold, it's dark, you are stuck in the house, and fruit and veggies are rather gross because they come from so far away, but in spring and summer, all that yummy goodness is fresh! I am a summer girl through and through and that will never change. Give me a beach, a palm tree, a lounge chair and a fruity beverage and I am set for the day.
So back to the orange. A few weeks back we had some friends over. One brought oranges with him to put in his Blue Moon beer. He then left an orange behind, which I ate, and it was delicious. And so began my seasonal fruit obsession. I bought a bag of oranges and scarfed them down pretty quick. Since then I have had a hard time finding another bag of those same oranges. Buying oranges like you buy apples (picking the ones you want) is just silly to me. I am going to be eating those things faster than you can blink as eye, so just give me 20 in a bag real cheap please.
As I sat here at lunch I got to thinking, what are the great benefits of the orange? So I checked it out. I mostly found interesting facts.
1. It is the most commonly grown tree fruit in the world! Then there should be plenty of them to go around...in bags...why is this so hard for me to find?
2. There are four varieties of oranges: common, navel, blood and acidless. And there are over 50 spinoffs of those.
3. They are a great source of vitamin C! I think we all knew that though...
4. You can eat an orange peel. It has a lot of vitamin C and fiber. However, they also have a lot of pesticides unless organically grown. So steer clear.
After my research, I still don't know if this is a great running food or not but I will let you know when Runner's World tells me. As for now, I am going to keep snacking away on my giant bags of oranges since Weight Watchers says they are 0 points. Oh yes, I am doing WW as well. After my wedding last year I kind of blew up a little (fat and happy?) and after having my thyroid tested (and it came back normal of course) I decided it was time to bite the bullet and try a diet, even though I hate them. I've been doing it for about a month now and even though that first week was REAAAAAAALLY hard, I eat a lot less now and I eat healthier, which was my main goal in joining. I know I will never weigh as little as I did in high school ever again, but I can be healthy and happy. And maybe one day my thyroid issue will resolve itself.
What is your favorite go to fruit?
What is your favorite season? Why do you love it?
That being said, let me tell you about my friend the orange. I have always like oranges, but lately I am craving them. Summer really is the best time of the year, and I will never understand why so many people (my husband) are obsessed with winter. It's cold, it's dark, you are stuck in the house, and fruit and veggies are rather gross because they come from so far away, but in spring and summer, all that yummy goodness is fresh! I am a summer girl through and through and that will never change. Give me a beach, a palm tree, a lounge chair and a fruity beverage and I am set for the day.
So back to the orange. A few weeks back we had some friends over. One brought oranges with him to put in his Blue Moon beer. He then left an orange behind, which I ate, and it was delicious. And so began my seasonal fruit obsession. I bought a bag of oranges and scarfed them down pretty quick. Since then I have had a hard time finding another bag of those same oranges. Buying oranges like you buy apples (picking the ones you want) is just silly to me. I am going to be eating those things faster than you can blink as eye, so just give me 20 in a bag real cheap please.
As I sat here at lunch I got to thinking, what are the great benefits of the orange? So I checked it out. I mostly found interesting facts.
1. It is the most commonly grown tree fruit in the world! Then there should be plenty of them to go around...in bags...why is this so hard for me to find?
2. There are four varieties of oranges: common, navel, blood and acidless. And there are over 50 spinoffs of those.
3. They are a great source of vitamin C! I think we all knew that though...
4. You can eat an orange peel. It has a lot of vitamin C and fiber. However, they also have a lot of pesticides unless organically grown. So steer clear.
After my research, I still don't know if this is a great running food or not but I will let you know when Runner's World tells me. As for now, I am going to keep snacking away on my giant bags of oranges since Weight Watchers says they are 0 points. Oh yes, I am doing WW as well. After my wedding last year I kind of blew up a little (fat and happy?) and after having my thyroid tested (and it came back normal of course) I decided it was time to bite the bullet and try a diet, even though I hate them. I've been doing it for about a month now and even though that first week was REAAAAAAALLY hard, I eat a lot less now and I eat healthier, which was my main goal in joining. I know I will never weigh as little as I did in high school ever again, but I can be healthy and happy. And maybe one day my thyroid issue will resolve itself.
What is your favorite go to fruit?
What is your favorite season? Why do you love it?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Spring Break
One of the best things about teaching (besides inspiring children of course) is the breaks! This week has been spring break and it could not have come at a better time. I have run a little here and there, but mostly just taken it easy and enjoyed my time off. The house is getting cleaned and organized a little every day, I'm catching up on things I normally put off and I have been reading like crazy.
We started break last weekend with a trip to Urbanna, Virginia. What is in Urbanna? Well, nothing really, and that's what made it great. Last fall I purchased a Groupon for the Chesapeake Inn as C's Christmas gift. It was a 2 night stay for the price of one. You had to use by the end of March, but since so many people bought the Groupon, they were nice and let us come that first weekend in April. Urbanna is a tiny little town with about 3 restaurants and some bed and breakfasts and it is on the Rappahannock River, down near Deltaville. It is a big spot for people to go in the summer because a lot of people have river property and boats down there. There was something charming and quaint about it in the early spring though and it was just what we needed. My husband and I have not been anywhere just the two of us since the summer of 2009 when I took him to NYC for his birthday. We always seem to travel with people or travel to be with people and sometimes you just need to do something on your own and enjoy each other's company.
We arrived in Urbanna on Friday night and hung out at the local bar around the corner. Saturday morning we got up and drove down the road just outside of town to a country store and had breakfast. We sat on milk crates and had a butcher block for a table and ate GREAT food off of styrofoam plates. The weather was gorgeous that day. We took a ride down to the marina on a bike and then headed to Williamsburg for the day. We went to Busch Gardens and then hit the outlets before heading back to Urbanna for dinner. We walked around a little and then hung out in our room for the rest of the night. The rooms were really cute and they were all different. We are a little bit hooked on Urbanna now and are thinking it might turn into our fall/spring getaway spot for when we need to be alone.
Yesterday morning I went back to Local Barre, another Groupon purchase, and had a great work out! I know I have written about it before so I won't go into too much detail, but I really enjoy those classes. They work muscles that normal I don't even know I have and don't feel until they are sore.
Break is almost over, but it has been great and just what I needed. Only 9 more weeks to go until it is officially summer time!
We started break last weekend with a trip to Urbanna, Virginia. What is in Urbanna? Well, nothing really, and that's what made it great. Last fall I purchased a Groupon for the Chesapeake Inn as C's Christmas gift. It was a 2 night stay for the price of one. You had to use by the end of March, but since so many people bought the Groupon, they were nice and let us come that first weekend in April. Urbanna is a tiny little town with about 3 restaurants and some bed and breakfasts and it is on the Rappahannock River, down near Deltaville. It is a big spot for people to go in the summer because a lot of people have river property and boats down there. There was something charming and quaint about it in the early spring though and it was just what we needed. My husband and I have not been anywhere just the two of us since the summer of 2009 when I took him to NYC for his birthday. We always seem to travel with people or travel to be with people and sometimes you just need to do something on your own and enjoy each other's company.
Aww man! I really wanted to harvest some shellfish! |
We arrived in Urbanna on Friday night and hung out at the local bar around the corner. Saturday morning we got up and drove down the road just outside of town to a country store and had breakfast. We sat on milk crates and had a butcher block for a table and ate GREAT food off of styrofoam plates. The weather was gorgeous that day. We took a ride down to the marina on a bike and then headed to Williamsburg for the day. We went to Busch Gardens and then hit the outlets before heading back to Urbanna for dinner. We walked around a little and then hung out in our room for the rest of the night. The rooms were really cute and they were all different. We are a little bit hooked on Urbanna now and are thinking it might turn into our fall/spring getaway spot for when we need to be alone.
Yesterday morning I went back to Local Barre, another Groupon purchase, and had a great work out! I know I have written about it before so I won't go into too much detail, but I really enjoy those classes. They work muscles that normal I don't even know I have and don't feel until they are sore.
Break is almost over, but it has been great and just what I needed. Only 9 more weeks to go until it is officially summer time!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Monument Avenue 10K 2012
Need to pee?? You've got options.
Here I go!
Done! And trying to make a Dasani ad apparently...
My fave thing this year? The white house rolls! Bagels are overrated.
Love your runner! And your support team :-)
My time this year was 64 minutes. That's only one minute slower than last year, and considering I did not train like I usually do, I think that's pretty good.
Going to the expo and running this race has really sparked my interest in running again. I think it's time to start working towards checking some things off the bucket list.
So what's next? Most likely the Crawlin' Crab Half Marathon! or the 5K, I haven't decided yet. Either way, it's a new race from J&A Racing this year, and I am stoked! Can't wait to run around Hampton in September!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
feelin' good
I love it when I hear my Garmin beep to let me know that a mile is finished and I look down and see that I ran it in 9 minutes 37 seconds. This might seem slow to most of you, but to me, it's an accomplishment. Hopefully I can get back to keeping that pace by the time the 10K rolls around.
March is Youth Art Month and since I am an art teacher, you won't be seeing much of me this month.
Happy Running!
March is Youth Art Month and since I am an art teacher, you won't be seeing much of me this month.
Happy Running!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
What season is it?
What season is it? Seriously, I can't tell anymore.
Sunday we got our first big snow storm of winter. Four to five inches was dropped on us in about an hour. Even though it was 9 at night, the kids were out playing in it all over the neighborhood. Snowmen popped up all over!
We were graced with such pretty snow! That was Monday...today is Thursday....
..and today it is 72 degrees out. I just got back from my run and am lounging on the back deck typing this up on my iPad. Don't believe me? Here's the proof.
I have a love affair with my lounge chair.
Yep. Sunny and warm here! I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt and capri running pants. Since my race the other week I have had a severe lack of motivation. I've avoided the gym and I haven't wanted to run. Today was no different but it is so nice out I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get out and walk the dog and then go running. I'm glad I did. I feel more awake and motivated now. I also had no foot pain while running. Yay! I'm glad all the rest did it some good.
In just a few weeks it will be 10K time again! Guess I should get on training for that...
What do you do for motivation? What makes you want to exercise/run or just sit on the couch and watch tv?
Sunday we got our first big snow storm of winter. Four to five inches was dropped on us in about an hour. Even though it was 9 at night, the kids were out playing in it all over the neighborhood. Snowmen popped up all over!
We were graced with such pretty snow! That was Monday...today is Thursday....
..and today it is 72 degrees out. I just got back from my run and am lounging on the back deck typing this up on my iPad. Don't believe me? Here's the proof.
I have a love affair with my lounge chair.
Yep. Sunny and warm here! I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt and capri running pants. Since my race the other week I have had a severe lack of motivation. I've avoided the gym and I haven't wanted to run. Today was no different but it is so nice out I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get out and walk the dog and then go running. I'm glad I did. I feel more awake and motivated now. I also had no foot pain while running. Yay! I'm glad all the rest did it some good.
In just a few weeks it will be 10K time again! Guess I should get on training for that...
What do you do for motivation? What makes you want to exercise/run or just sit on the couch and watch tv?
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Guest Post: Liz Davies
Liz contacted me a few weeks ago and asked if she could write a guest post for my blog. Always up for something new, I loved the idea. Here is her article.
Cancer Patients and Survivors Need Exercise
Most people know about the benefits that exercise has for the average person but not many people know about the benefits that cancer patients can reap from regular physical activity.
Some of the most common side effects from cancer treatments (whether they are from chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of treatments) include exhaustion, nausea and vomiting, pain, and weight management issues. All of these side effects can be lessened and even eliminated through exercise. It has also been shown that recurrence of cancer can be lessened for cancer survivors and that survival rates are higher with those who exercise on a regular bases. Breast cancer was one of the first cancers that was researched when it came to exercise but now more cancers are being researched like colon cancer, mesothelioma cancer and pancreatic cancer.
Many times when a doctor makes a recommendation patients do not always follow the advice. This could be for many reasons such as lack of confidence the recommendation with help, laziness or just plain forgetfulness. Most doctors just make a recommendation for cancer patients to exercise but they aren’t handing them a prescription so many patients are not taking it seriously. Patients also often underestimate or overestimate their physical abilities and also fear returning back to exercise.
The exercise regimens recommended for cancer patients aren’t far off from the routines average Americans follow. The difference is that is can take patients and survivors a little longer to get the routine going and they often need a little more support. Finding the motivation and energy to take a daily walk can be much harder when cancer patients have their treatment side effects holding them back. Pushing past those has measurable benefits and can’t be ignored. The responsibility falls upon doctors to educate patients and for the patients to take control of their health and be proactive in their approach to exercise.
Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.
You can see her blog here: Musings of a Curious Mind
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Virginia Is For Lovers 14K 2012
Two words: Girl's Weekend!
Once you are married you realize how important it is to have these. I love being with my husband, but it is nice to go off with the girls once in awhile and do those girly things like watch chick flicks (Breaking Dawn), shop and run races. Wait...run races? Yes, run races.
After running 13 races in 8 months last year, I decided to take it easy for awhile. The Virginia Is For Lovers 14K was not on my list, but then I received an email from J & A Racing a month or so ago and in it was a picture of the medal for this year's race. Sold! They always get me with the hardware...
When C told me that he would be going to Pennsylvania that weekend with his buddies for their annual mountain trip, I decided to see if my two friends that live in Virginia Beach would want to do the race with me. They are not runners but I thought it would be fun if they did the 1.4 miler while I did the 14K. They were excited about the idea and we had our girl's weekend planned!
I headed down to the beach on Friday after work. I should mention that Jess and Emily are two of my sorority sisters. Our other sorority sister, who earned the nickname Shrub back in college, came down with her family for dinner. Jess made Mexican...I carbo-loaded on homemade tortilla chips, they are so much better than the store ones!
We played penny poker and rocked out to The Kangaroo Song by The Big Wu. We even let Shrub's 2 year old take pictures :-)
Saturday morning I was up early. We had been checking the weather all night because they were calling for rain. We got really lucky and the rain held off!
Last year I somehow ended up in corral 1. I was either running faster, or I lied when I put in my finish time...anyways, this year I started in corral 3. I held up my iPhone and took a picture from way back. I have had my iPhone for about a month now and I have a slight love affair with the thing. I remember when the thought of carrying a computer in your pocket was just a crazy idea. It's hard to believe it is a reality now. Makes it so much easier to take pictures too!
So while we were waiting to start, the announcer told us that a couple was getting married on the course. They let the bride and groom and wedding party have a 10 minute head start in front of everyone else. They stopped at the half way point, had the ceremony and then finished the race. So cute! I never got to see them but my friends did and they said it was cute.
This race was pretty hard on me this year. I've been having some issues while running and I can't figure out why. My weight is up and I have a sneaking suspicion that my thyroid is acting up again and trying to run with this extra weight is rough. My left leg and foot fell asleep about 3 times and I had to walk to get them to wake up. My right foot was also in severe pain. Last Thursday I noticed that the top of my foot had a bump on it and it hurt really bad, like I had a splinter stuck in my foot. The next day the bump was down and it did not hurt so bad. Then while I was running it felt like someone was slamming the top of my foot with a hammer. This was some serious pain. I pushed on like I always do and tried to make the best of it
Jess and Emily came to see me at mile 5 after they had finished their race and they made me signs! I laughed when I saw this one but it didn't click in my head till mile 7 or so what it was. It meant a lot to me that they made me signs :-)
We are kind of obsessed with The Hunger Games....
And they caught me again near the finish with this sign :-)
Sisters really are the best.
I was sooo happy to cross that finish line and not only get inside, but get some food in me and some free beer. Not to mention getting off of my foot. They had a band playing so after we got our beer we sat on the floor and stretched and hung out. We really had a good time and are ready for the next one!
All pain aside, it was a great weekend. My foot is finally starting to feel better today but still a little tender. I'm really hoping it is nothing serious. I figure I will give it a few days of rest and then try to go for a run and see what happens.
Once you are married you realize how important it is to have these. I love being with my husband, but it is nice to go off with the girls once in awhile and do those girly things like watch chick flicks (Breaking Dawn), shop and run races. Wait...run races? Yes, run races.
After running 13 races in 8 months last year, I decided to take it easy for awhile. The Virginia Is For Lovers 14K was not on my list, but then I received an email from J & A Racing a month or so ago and in it was a picture of the medal for this year's race. Sold! They always get me with the hardware...
When C told me that he would be going to Pennsylvania that weekend with his buddies for their annual mountain trip, I decided to see if my two friends that live in Virginia Beach would want to do the race with me. They are not runners but I thought it would be fun if they did the 1.4 miler while I did the 14K. They were excited about the idea and we had our girl's weekend planned!
I headed down to the beach on Friday after work. I should mention that Jess and Emily are two of my sorority sisters. Our other sorority sister, who earned the nickname Shrub back in college, came down with her family for dinner. Jess made Mexican...I carbo-loaded on homemade tortilla chips, they are so much better than the store ones!
We played penny poker and rocked out to The Kangaroo Song by The Big Wu. We even let Shrub's 2 year old take pictures :-)
Saturday morning I was up early. We had been checking the weather all night because they were calling for rain. We got really lucky and the rain held off!
Our pre-race photo!
So while we were waiting to start, the announcer told us that a couple was getting married on the course. They let the bride and groom and wedding party have a 10 minute head start in front of everyone else. They stopped at the half way point, had the ceremony and then finished the race. So cute! I never got to see them but my friends did and they said it was cute.
This race was pretty hard on me this year. I've been having some issues while running and I can't figure out why. My weight is up and I have a sneaking suspicion that my thyroid is acting up again and trying to run with this extra weight is rough. My left leg and foot fell asleep about 3 times and I had to walk to get them to wake up. My right foot was also in severe pain. Last Thursday I noticed that the top of my foot had a bump on it and it hurt really bad, like I had a splinter stuck in my foot. The next day the bump was down and it did not hurt so bad. Then while I was running it felt like someone was slamming the top of my foot with a hammer. This was some serious pain. I pushed on like I always do and tried to make the best of it
Jess and Emily came to see me at mile 5 after they had finished their race and they made me signs! I laughed when I saw this one but it didn't click in my head till mile 7 or so what it was. It meant a lot to me that they made me signs :-)
We are kind of obsessed with The Hunger Games....
And they caught me again near the finish with this sign :-)
Sisters really are the best.
I was sooo happy to cross that finish line and not only get inside, but get some food in me and some free beer. Not to mention getting off of my foot. They had a band playing so after we got our beer we sat on the floor and stretched and hung out. We really had a good time and are ready for the next one!
Yuengling sponsored the race. I thought the handle was pretty cool.
I give the weekend a thumbs up!
All pain aside, it was a great weekend. My foot is finally starting to feel better today but still a little tender. I'm really hoping it is nothing serious. I figure I will give it a few days of rest and then try to go for a run and see what happens.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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